
Here at our centre we practice bhakti-yoga in it’s forms as meditation, music, discourse from the ancient texts of India, and, of course, everybody’s favourite, eating wonderful prasadam, or special vegetarian food which is cooked and offered to Krishna.
Newcomers are welcome to sit in on what we are doing without, we hope, feeling pressurised to take part. At present we hold meetings fortnightly during afternoon times, sometimes on Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays.
A typical afternoon’s session might run a bit like this....

3pm Music and Chanting (Bhajan)

3.30pm Discourse and Discussion (on Bhagavad Gita)

4.30pm Offering Ceremony (Aratik) and Music (Kirtan)

5pm Watching a video presentation (From our Temples)

5.30pm Vegetarian Prasadam Feast